Friday, June 8, 2012


 We decided to go to Kumasi this weekend (June 8th, I think, I never know the date anymore) to visit the LC. Their house is really cool, and huge. All the floors are…well, floors. No dirt floors or concrete slabs. They also appear to have enough utensils and kitchenware for everyone. AND AND AND!!! THEY HAVE REAL TOILETS AND SHOWERS AND RUNNING WATER. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!

We haven’t used the showers yet - we heard there isn’t much water pressure but I totally don’t care. Anyway, then Samuel (my TN manager who got me here) took us to this place where we had pizza (not very good, but still, American food). AND!! MORE EXCITING NEWS!!! There’s a pool there. Yes, you heard it right ladies and gentlemen. A pool. We are going to try to convince people to go with us there later/tonight. I’ve been so close to jumping into dirty rivers because I need to go swimming so badly. 

The internet cafe here at the KNUST campus (university) is what's allowing me to finally update all that I've been writing. YAY.

Tomorrow we are going to check out the city of Kumasi and then go out and check out the nightlife tomorrow night. I’m excited for that. Ghana has this weird palm alcohol that tastes like death but I want to try it anyway. Also, in Kumasi they totally don’t care if you show your knees, so my red dress should be fine. It comes just above my knees, and is the only nice dress I brought. It’s a little awkward cause in the cities they dress nicer and wear jeans, and here I am in my rural, school teacher clothes.

I will update with Kumasi pictures later. Though, who the heck knows when I will have this glorious internet again.

Next weekend, we are maybe going to a waterfall, monkey sanctuary, umbrella rock, and to Togo! But I am not sure yet because some people are not as reliable as I wish they were. 

Love to everyone!

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